Wednesday 11 June 2008

Brad Pitt manager denies Angelina Jolie birth report

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Brad Pitt's manager denied a television report on Friday that Oscar winner Angelina Jolie, who has publicly acknowledged she was expecting twins with the actor, had given birth to them in France this week.

"It's not true. It's a rumor," Pitt's Los Angeles-based talent manager, Cynthia Pett-Dante, told Reuters in a statement issued by her office. She declined further comment.

However, the U.S. showbiz news program "Entertainment Tonight" said it stood by its report earlier in the day that Jolie had given birth to twin daughters in France, attributing the story to an unidentified person close to the actress.

"The source says she was inside the delivery room, tells 'ET' yes, the babies were born, and yes, mother and daughters are fine," the syndicated program said in its broadcast.

The story was disputed almost from the start by various other celebrity news outlets, with People magazine quoting an unnamed representative for Jolie on its Web site as saying: "Angelina has not given birth. She is fine, enjoying her home and her family in France."

Meanwhile, another celebrity publication, Britain's NOW magazine, reported the latest additions to the Jolie-Pitt clan had already been named Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane.

There was no immediate comment from Jolie's Los Angeles-based manager.

The only maternity clinic in the southern French city of Aix-en-Provence, the region where Jolie and Pitt were believed to be staying, said it had no information. Town hall officials there said they were aware of the media reports but did not know if they were true.